May 2024: "I'm remembering who I am."
When we first got to know Annette, she had not been able to leave the premises of the nursing home where she had stayed for over two years because she had no supportive family or friends to take her outside.
Do For One introduced Annette to Megan, who lives in the neighborhood. Since meeting Megan, Annette has been getting out into the community regularly and has gained access to many more freedoms.
“I had sort of forgotten about who I was and my sense of identity after a while. Since meeting Megan, I’ve been remembering who I am and remembering about my life outside of the nursing home again.”
Our Approach
Do For One is committed to tackling the root causes of isolation and chronic loneliness experienced by too many people with disabilities. Our multifaceted approach considers factors such as poverty, healthcare, living environments, race and ethnicity, disability, gender, and family availability.
Widen the Circle
Join us this spring to Widen The Circle at Do For One. Help us support 84 existing one-to-one relationships and build new ones.
Out of the 15 new matches we plan to make this year:
60% will be friendship or mentorship matches
40% will be relationships centered around problem solving and advocacy
33% will be for Partners living in more restricted medical settings
Social isolation and its impact on our health have gained worldwide recognition, but we still significantly lack practical examples of what to do about it. Thank you for helping us serve as a beacon of hope and a model for addressing this issue.
Help us raise 20K by the end of May
Support Us Monthly
People pay good money for a compelling story. On average, Americans spend $61 per month on streaming services - that’s $732 a year.
We invite you to join ONE+, a group of monthly givers who are investing in a different kind of story - one that doesn’t unfold on your TV or tablet, but across the fabric of real New York City.
Thank you for investing in stories of lasting relationships across societal barriers!
Prayer Request for May 2024
PRAY for Do For One Partners who have a hard time meeting with others due to depression, anxiety, or health related issues. Pray that God will lift away barriers that keep Partners further isolated, and pray for a blessing over our Advocates as they strive to meet with their Partners in meaningful ways.